Lambing update October 2024
All of us at Hadsham are very sad that we had to take the decision to close the Spring Lambing 2024 event earlier this year.
It seems highly likely that we unknowingly became the source of a small outbreak of a bug called Cryptosporidium which made a number of our visitors and staff ill with sickness and diarrhoea. This has been fully investigated by the UKHSA and Cherwell District Council. If you would like to learn more please look up Cryptosporidiosis: public advice on the government’s website.
Our Spring Lambing event has been running for a number of years and we have never had an issue like this before. We pride ourselves on opening up the farm to the public and providing a safe and lovely experience – particularly for children and their families – and we have naturally been devasted by all of this. As a family, we are particularly passionate about educating people in the process of lambing, how a working farm runs and the cycle of life. We recognise how valuable it is for children to interact with the animals, however having taken advice from UKHSA and Hook Norton Vets, it seems there is no way to fully eliminate the risk of Cryptosporidium on a farm where animals are handled.
As a result, and very unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that we will a run any event again that involves the touching of our animals.
As instructed, the barns and surrounding areas have all been steam-cleaned and disinfected so that we can run the annual Pumpkin Festival. Despite this, we must remind you that (particularly when visiting a farm) bugs can still be picked up anywhere and from any surface and therefore you must always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water before putting your hands anywhere near your mouth – e.g. especially before preparing or eating food.
Thank you.